Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Written papers .

pardon my face I just woke from nap and my eyes were really itchy and sore

My sweetest baby sent me this link just now and said "this one all my dar dar"
Awwww ~ Love him, hehhe ^^
So baby if you're reading this, here's my reply:
I've already found that person and its you 
You're just too lovable.

I'm falling too hard.


So anyway I took my last written paper today, or maybe ytd since its like 1am now.
Was really jittery before the paper I swear.
Probably cause the day before the paper I didn't studied :(
And I even promised myself I will study lolol. Empty promises meh.
In the end slept at 4am wtf. If baby knows I'm dead.
But most probably he's going to know when he reads this. Booooo.

So during the paper I still felt like anxious and stuff.
Just wana finish asap since I know I always can't complete.
Ended up finishing the paper in like 90mins?! 
I mean it excludes this one whole question in section a that idk and some random explaination parts.
Was seriously freaking out I thought I missed out some questions,
or was supposed to do all 3 questions for section b or smth.
But bleh, still used up all my time on the question that I didn't know how to do.
And after the paper baby told me everyone tot q6 was hard so chose q7 & q8 D:
I chose q6 lo omgxz I gg already. Hais.

Econs paper on Monday was okay I guess?
I mean I know how to do majority like more than 50% luh lol.
Didn't have time to finish too I mean I don't get how anyone can finish?!
Wanted to give up halfway cause it was so boring and sian and the paper, 3hrs. Wtf. Kill me.
My hand like went numb for the last 5 mins. I freaking swear.
So painful, then it turns to numbness TT
Oh and the essay question I chose to write on current account.
But lol I wasn't sure between current and capital account - which was which.
Was kinda scared but took the gamble instead.
Thank goodness I was right - phew.
And baby waited for me till my paper ended.
Discussed some parts and he say I gna get like E ._. cause like BOP i forgot mention j curve etc.
He says that's what differentiate the people that get a and b and whatever, the small details.
Oh and he says those that from h2 drop to h1 work much harder.
But still... E! E ley. Can't he be abit nicer :( I sad.

Grr. What's over is over anyway.
I just hope I had done enough. I mean I can't say I did my bestest luh.
There were times I just slacked off. 
And I only really started like 1-2weeks before A's :/

So next week will be paper 1 for both sciences! Rahhhh.
Must really work hard now okay, jingyi?
Must garner as much marks as possible, last chance already.
So weird. Talking to myself..

Kay I guess you guys will be bored by all these words already luh.
I update more interesting stuff:

So mum fetched me and darling from cwp.
Took some pictures on the car but I'm too lazy to edit cause baby just look too good I look super bad :(
Came home I forgot what I did but soon fell on the sofa and slept.
Woke up to darling watching running man and I watched baby videos.
Dang they're super cute, funny, adorable and extremely chubby ~
And here comes the perfect combi - kids with animals.

They are so freaking cute ohmygoshhhhhxz.

So we had bbq for both bros' birthday celebration.
Darling came and yeah... did some stuff to upset him so I'm so so sorry :( 
Don't angry or sad !!
Halfway through me, my boyf and my cousins went to the playground to play.
Was fun at first and got some other cute little kids also.
And then comes along some retarded young kids who came to pick fight with us.
Like seriously?!
This one boy uh. Wth. Keep say what girls noob will lose to guys.
But he ownself lost to the 2 girls who were with him ._.
Then he keep taunting us say we don't dare challenge him run, catching etc.
Wtf luh we're like so much older it's obvious who will win lol.
Really tried to ignore him lo.
Kids these days . I finally get what people mean.
And those 2 girls following him. Sheesh.
You girls no backbone uh? He hit you scold you etc still stand on his side? Fucktards.
Fucking rude and vulgar all these kids.
So yeah I'll be vulgar too, a finger for ya _|_
Fuck off lol, you're too young. It's too early for you to come pick a fight.
Damn joke.

So I had bought my dress(es), heels and some accessories offline.
And I helped val khoo buy clutches.
But then that stupid toll express. Knn.
They send in transit and stopover at like hongkong.
Then I was like okay...
But then they sent it back to the place of origin. Walaoooo.
Hope they arrive at least a few days before prom so I still have time buy smth else if the stuffs don't fit.

Kay, enough of ranting I guess.
Will update again soon. And probably a less words more pics post. Hahah.
Oh, have to share this awesome vid:


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