Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's wrong with my memory?

Hi whoever is up at this hour and reading my blog instead of studying or sleeping or having fun.
So here I am, approx. 13hours away from my chem paper.
And I seriously can't remember much.
So freaking screwed :(

I swear my memory is damn bad.
Like how I was chatting with wanqi on the wee hours of sunday morning.
We were talking about the past and she told stuffs that I never knew existed, much less told her about.
Idk was it cause its like 3am in the morning so my brain was in a mess,
esp. after studying for so long.
But up till now I still don't recall anything about what she said. Lol.

Hais. Chem please be nice to me tmr. Like really, I just need a B okay?
Math was bad today. Like I could do some but some I couldn't.
And first time I need the whole 3hrs but still can't solve some questions.
And then after the paper everyone was talking about it and I was like omg fml.
Apparently I missed out alot of stuffs in the questions.
So my answers are wrong luh ._.
And I thought I could manage a decent pass lol.
Okay, nvm. I always think back but when I get back my scripts I fail badly.

Hais. Just hope weekends will come soon.
Cause' there's only physics and econs nxt week. 2 papers.
Much more manageable.

Waiting for baby to reply my wa.
But he's mia for very long already.
At random timings.
I need help for chem omgxz where are you.

Ok, I'm just rambling on and on now.
I wonder who takes the time to read all these crap I type.
Oh btw, I screamed my lungs out jus now so my throat really hurts.
I was in the toilet and felt something in my hair when I touched it.
My mum jumped out of bed thinking something happened.
Apparently there was nth luh so idk.
Must be too stressed alrd.

Really hope I can get decent grades.
Dunnid be straight A's or what not luh.
I just dw to dissapoint my parents.
I mean idm if I don't get into any uni.
I just don;t know how they'll react.

Well, I still rmb how they reacted to my PSLE and O's result lol.
Wasn't a fun experience I tell you.
And the look on baby's face when I ask him to see my O's cert.
I swear his face jus changed and I freaked out. Damn.

Oh baby replied.


Okay anyway, I jus hope this shit ends soon luh wtf.
Cannot tahan already and I only sat for like 2 papers. So joke hahah.
Seriously this fucking society and uni and employers gna judge us based on this fucking piece of paper called a cert.
Oh, not forgetting the cca records, service learning and what not/
Please lor my sec sch one so nice why dw see that must see jc one.
Just cause I accomplished those stuff earlier doesn't mean they don't count right?

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