Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Written papers .

pardon my face I just woke from nap and my eyes were really itchy and sore

My sweetest baby sent me this link just now and said "this one all my dar dar"
Awwww ~ Love him, hehhe ^^
So baby if you're reading this, here's my reply:
I've already found that person and its you 
You're just too lovable.

I'm falling too hard.


So anyway I took my last written paper today, or maybe ytd since its like 1am now.
Was really jittery before the paper I swear.
Probably cause the day before the paper I didn't studied :(
And I even promised myself I will study lolol. Empty promises meh.
In the end slept at 4am wtf. If baby knows I'm dead.
But most probably he's going to know when he reads this. Booooo.

So during the paper I still felt like anxious and stuff.
Just wana finish asap since I know I always can't complete.
Ended up finishing the paper in like 90mins?! 
I mean it excludes this one whole question in section a that idk and some random explaination parts.
Was seriously freaking out I thought I missed out some questions,
or was supposed to do all 3 questions for section b or smth.
But bleh, still used up all my time on the question that I didn't know how to do.
And after the paper baby told me everyone tot q6 was hard so chose q7 & q8 D:
I chose q6 lo omgxz I gg already. Hais.

Econs paper on Monday was okay I guess?
I mean I know how to do majority like more than 50% luh lol.
Didn't have time to finish too I mean I don't get how anyone can finish?!
Wanted to give up halfway cause it was so boring and sian and the paper, 3hrs. Wtf. Kill me.
My hand like went numb for the last 5 mins. I freaking swear.
So painful, then it turns to numbness TT
Oh and the essay question I chose to write on current account.
But lol I wasn't sure between current and capital account - which was which.
Was kinda scared but took the gamble instead.
Thank goodness I was right - phew.
And baby waited for me till my paper ended.
Discussed some parts and he say I gna get like E ._. cause like BOP i forgot mention j curve etc.
He says that's what differentiate the people that get a and b and whatever, the small details.
Oh and he says those that from h2 drop to h1 work much harder.
But still... E! E ley. Can't he be abit nicer :( I sad.

Grr. What's over is over anyway.
I just hope I had done enough. I mean I can't say I did my bestest luh.
There were times I just slacked off. 
And I only really started like 1-2weeks before A's :/

So next week will be paper 1 for both sciences! Rahhhh.
Must really work hard now okay, jingyi?
Must garner as much marks as possible, last chance already.
So weird. Talking to myself..

Kay I guess you guys will be bored by all these words already luh.
I update more interesting stuff:

So mum fetched me and darling from cwp.
Took some pictures on the car but I'm too lazy to edit cause baby just look too good I look super bad :(
Came home I forgot what I did but soon fell on the sofa and slept.
Woke up to darling watching running man and I watched baby videos.
Dang they're super cute, funny, adorable and extremely chubby ~
And here comes the perfect combi - kids with animals.

They are so freaking cute ohmygoshhhhhxz.

So we had bbq for both bros' birthday celebration.
Darling came and yeah... did some stuff to upset him so I'm so so sorry :( 
Don't angry or sad !!
Halfway through me, my boyf and my cousins went to the playground to play.
Was fun at first and got some other cute little kids also.
And then comes along some retarded young kids who came to pick fight with us.
Like seriously?!
This one boy uh. Wth. Keep say what girls noob will lose to guys.
But he ownself lost to the 2 girls who were with him ._.
Then he keep taunting us say we don't dare challenge him run, catching etc.
Wtf luh we're like so much older it's obvious who will win lol.
Really tried to ignore him lo.
Kids these days . I finally get what people mean.
And those 2 girls following him. Sheesh.
You girls no backbone uh? He hit you scold you etc still stand on his side? Fucktards.
Fucking rude and vulgar all these kids.
So yeah I'll be vulgar too, a finger for ya _|_
Fuck off lol, you're too young. It's too early for you to come pick a fight.
Damn joke.

So I had bought my dress(es), heels and some accessories offline.
And I helped val khoo buy clutches.
But then that stupid toll express. Knn.
They send in transit and stopover at like hongkong.
Then I was like okay...
But then they sent it back to the place of origin. Walaoooo.
Hope they arrive at least a few days before prom so I still have time buy smth else if the stuffs don't fit.

Kay, enough of ranting I guess.
Will update again soon. And probably a less words more pics post. Hahah.
Oh, have to share this awesome vid:


Friday, November 15, 2013

8th Day

Totally relatable, just that we need to change high school to jc.

So the hell week is coming to an end.
Will be sitting for physics paper 2 later on today.
I'm like totally in holiday mood alrd even though I should be studying.
Bad. Very bad move jingyi.
But you guys should take a look at this:

Looks good right!!! Salivating right now.
So I was watching masterchef australia and I saw 2 contestants cooking this.
Fuck. It looks too damn good I'm so hungry.
I just had to go look for the recipe online.
Shall try cooking it after a's. Yay!
I wonder if it taste like 烧肉  though. I just had that for dinner muahahaha.

So... back to A's. As I was saying, considering my past few papers, I don't think I did really well. Haha.
Math was full of careless mistakes like always.
And paper 2 was hard. Really hard.
For once I couldn't do pnc AND it had to be during a's, AND its a 12 mark question ._.
Chem papers were doable - which is bad for me too.
Cause I'm not strong at chem so performing okay will put me at the bottom of that bell curve.
Hais. Why my brain lidad? Why I still not motivated to work harder for subsequent papers?!
Omg what am I doing right now on the computer, blogging my heart out...

Okay, nvm.
I shall study after I finish this post.

Seriously needing some retail therapy right now.
In fact I alrd filled up my cotton on cart alrd (; Heh heh heh.
It's fine to reward myself with this little something right?
I mean, this past week was really bad.
I can't believe that it's almost the end of the hell week alrd.
Been looking very bad the past weeks.
Tons of acne, super dark eye circles.
I look terrible without my specs and fringe to cover it all up. I look scary to myself even.
And I've been growing really fat omgxz.
I tot exam stress will make me slimmer?! Why I become fatter TT
Hope that all this will be worth it though. Please, I just want average B ok? Is that too much to ask for?

qihua & jingyi : we hate exams !! we just wana slack , even if it's a levels ! Grrr. 
(front camera hide flaws really well btw, I look... okay. hahahahah)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's wrong with my memory?

Hi whoever is up at this hour and reading my blog instead of studying or sleeping or having fun.
So here I am, approx. 13hours away from my chem paper.
And I seriously can't remember much.
So freaking screwed :(

I swear my memory is damn bad.
Like how I was chatting with wanqi on the wee hours of sunday morning.
We were talking about the past and she told stuffs that I never knew existed, much less told her about.
Idk was it cause its like 3am in the morning so my brain was in a mess,
esp. after studying for so long.
But up till now I still don't recall anything about what she said. Lol.

Hais. Chem please be nice to me tmr. Like really, I just need a B okay?
Math was bad today. Like I could do some but some I couldn't.
And first time I need the whole 3hrs but still can't solve some questions.
And then after the paper everyone was talking about it and I was like omg fml.
Apparently I missed out alot of stuffs in the questions.
So my answers are wrong luh ._.
And I thought I could manage a decent pass lol.
Okay, nvm. I always think back but when I get back my scripts I fail badly.

Hais. Just hope weekends will come soon.
Cause' there's only physics and econs nxt week. 2 papers.
Much more manageable.

Waiting for baby to reply my wa.
But he's mia for very long already.
At random timings.
I need help for chem omgxz where are you.

Ok, I'm just rambling on and on now.
I wonder who takes the time to read all these crap I type.
Oh btw, I screamed my lungs out jus now so my throat really hurts.
I was in the toilet and felt something in my hair when I touched it.
My mum jumped out of bed thinking something happened.
Apparently there was nth luh so idk.
Must be too stressed alrd.

Really hope I can get decent grades.
Dunnid be straight A's or what not luh.
I just dw to dissapoint my parents.
I mean idm if I don't get into any uni.
I just don;t know how they'll react.

Well, I still rmb how they reacted to my PSLE and O's result lol.
Wasn't a fun experience I tell you.
And the look on baby's face when I ask him to see my O's cert.
I swear his face jus changed and I freaked out. Damn.

Oh baby replied.


Okay anyway, I jus hope this shit ends soon luh wtf.
Cannot tahan already and I only sat for like 2 papers. So joke hahah.
Seriously this fucking society and uni and employers gna judge us based on this fucking piece of paper called a cert.
Oh, not forgetting the cca records, service learning and what not/
Please lor my sec sch one so nice why dw see that must see jc one.
Just cause I accomplished those stuff earlier doesn't mean they don't count right?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 3 of 20

The title sounds really horror show -ish idk why hahaha.
Well its quite fitting though, considering that gp paper was like ...
Somermore tmr is the start of hell week omgxz.

Yes, thunder and lightning.
So very apt for my situation next week really.
Wait its not really next week its like in another 20mins or so :O

So next week's schedule is like math chem math chem phys.
Wtf right I know okay.
Super jittery this past weekend cause I was afraid I won't have enough time to study.
Okay, fine. I still am quite worried.

Spent my friday afternoon and weekend studying mostly phys and math.
Really wonder how I'm gna rmb my chem stuff TT
It was quite a fruitful and fun weekend though (:
Was able to spend quality time with wanqi, xinyi and fatin.

Baby accompanied me home after gp on friday. Then I slept.
Woke up in the evening, studied with wanqi, had dinner and continued to study with wanqi.
Then xinyi came over and I finally slept around 3am?

Saturday didn't start really well - I woke up around 2pm lol.
So I bathed and had lunch and went over to wanqi house to study with her and fatin.
That was really fun. 
We did talk and watched some shows and stuff.
And wanqi has proven to be a really good cook once again.

So somewhere in between aft fatin left,
at approx. midnight,
my darling baby wa me.
It was our 43rd monthsary omggggggggggg.
How could I have forgotten?!
Thanks baby, i love you 

yes please ignore my really unglam face beside my usually super handsome and cute qihua//you have my permission to stare at him instead.

here's a better looking pic of both of us tgt back in us//he still looks better though..

Went home a happy girl around 3am and slept ((:

Sunday morning means tuition.
I woke around 11+ when tuition supposed to start at 11.
Thank goodness it was pushed back to 230pm
So after tuition with baby we ate then went over to wanqi hse again to study.
I thought it was abit awkward btwn xinyi and baby hahahahah.

Its 1128pm now.
Math P1 starts at 8am tmr.
Feeling okay right now. Just hoping I can rmb my stuffs :(
Oh, and I need go memorise the vectors stuff too.
And and hopefully read abit of chem and phys and memorise those shit.
Ahhhh. So many 'and' s

Thinking of studying with wanqi again this week cause it was quite productive.
Wanqi if you're reading this I hope you don't mind !!

Well let's gooooooooo h2 pcm peeps.
Leave no regrets. That's what they always say right? (:

 On a side note my previous posts had alot of views idk why even. Lol.
Abit scary. And shocking.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

a levels

A's would officially start tmr for me.
In less than 12 hours I'll be in the school hall taking the gp paper.
Strangely calm.
That's how I'd describe my feelings and emotions right now.
So calm that it scares me.

Don't really understand why I feel how I feel right now, haha.
It's not like I studied a lot,
or that I have like this abundance of content in my brain right now I'm so freaking confident.
It's so weird.
Should be studying really hard like everyone else right now.
But it's so damn boring and I'm so easily distracted.
All I wana do is watch some variety shows / sitcoms / dramas right now.
But I shouldn't right?
I mean I didn't really studied that much the past days, weeks and months.
Well, what can I say.

Lalala ~
Next week will be a tough week.
Really gotta get my act together lol.
Well most probably I'm gna be super panicky like 30mins before the paper tmr.

Well, good nights all.
I find these 2 gifs really interesting, calming, cool, whatever.
It just kinda draws you in.
Blah. Okay, should really go study now.

And good luck to all those taking the paper tomorrow!