Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wasted Life

In a blink of an eye, its December already.
1 more month till school starts again :/

I've done nothing much this holiday.
Been wasting so much time. Tsk.
Just rotting at home and on the secret project.
I need to start studying, REAL SOON.

Some random photos from the past few weeks:

Sneaky darling.

Yi Cheen's Birthday !

Took this off Qihua's phone. Hehhe.

Hot Tomato.

Dar's way of apologising <: p="p">

Monday, November 19, 2012

Think Happy Thoughts

Hook: She told him stories. He taught her to fly. How?
Wendy: You just think happy thoughts. They lift you into the air. 
Hook: Alas, I have no happy thoughts. 
Wendy: That brings you down! 
Hook: [Hook threatens to cut Wendy's throat with his hook] How else? 
Michael: Fairy dust! You need fairy dust! 
The Lost Boys: Michael! 
Hook: What of Pan? Would unhappy thoughts bring him down?
Wendy: He has no unhappy thoughts.  

- Peter Pan

Going to hand in my form to drop subject tomorrow, or rather, 8 hours later.
Decided to go with dropping Economics.

Dad called from China just now and I told him the news.
He was actually okay with it and was concerned on whether I promoted or not only. Hahha.

Anyway, it kinda sucks, cause the people in my class really have nobody to turn to to ask for advice and help.
Oh well, maybe it's karma our class was mean to the teachers?
But we were not that mean anyway.
Mostly late and not handing up work.
I mean, doesn't everyone/class does that ?!

And we only have like what, 2/3 days to decide?
Imagine if my dad didn't call back and he would not know about my decision at all.
Worse, what if my mum was overseas too?
Lol. Kinda a joke.


Spent almost the whole day working on the secret project with Qihua today <: font="font">
We did quite alot of work actually, hmmm...
Shall call it Project QJ! Heh heh.
So excitingxz! Although Qihua said it was scary instead? Idk.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Back to School

School started on Friday.
And although it's just lectures, and only 2hours, I don't like it.
That explains the photo taken while I was eating breakfast. Haha.

So we only had GP and Chemistry lectures.
It was kinda boring for GP, and I felt that what they taught was too brief.

For Chemistry, I was totally lost.
We continued on alkenes and I can't remember a shit about it D:
So I was trying really hard to pay attention but in the end...

I just started doodling and amusing myself.
And at the end of the lecture, I was sleeping while this teacher went on about how we should pay attention or something, I can't remember.

Took the train home with Qihua after that, we were going to swim! (:

I was still feeling down because lectures are starting again which means I have to work hard.
Doubly hard to catch up and really do well :(

See, darling is sad too!

We had Texas Chicken for lunch!
Really fattening :( 
 I have a tummy now and my thighs are getting fatter.
But it was soooo awesomely nice, grrr.

After that we nua on the sofa for awhile, watched random shows on cable.
Dar was totally rushing me to change before it starts raining, heh.

He's upset! ><

Timer shot .
It was really hard so we gave up after a few tries :/

Hehhe, loveeeeeee <3 p="p">

Qihua really made me swim this time round.
Like really SWIM.
Normally I/we would just play around in the pool and stuff.
But I really swimmed that day. Hahha. 

Awesome way to start school ! (:
And both of us are working on this really cool thing (;

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reality and life.

Here's a picture of cute Qihua to start this post.
I was too lazy to edit it so the white balance looks abit off.

Anyway, today after collecting our promo results, we went to have sogurt at nex while waiting for time to pass before we meet up with Xinyi and Wanqi. 
But due to some communication problems, we ended up at orchard while they went to nex.

So me and Qihua decided to have lunch at Watami! (:
I ate there with my family before but it was at the Clark Quay branch.

He ordered this stone bowl beef rice thingy while I had this other beef bowl which came with a small cold soba.

My beef bowl!

Soba and this salad with amazing dressing !

We both agreed that his taste like pepper lunch while mine like yoshinoya. Haha.
We should have ordered the hotpot or teppanyaki instead :(

After lunch we walked around orchard and shopped at h&m.
I bought 2tops and 1sweater, heh.
I'm going to post the photos another day cause I've this feeling that I may exchange one of the top for something else.

Back to the topic of collecting promo results and the lengthy part;
I did get promoted :D but....
yup, life always comes with a but,
I have to drop one of my h2 subject to h1 cause I did not meet the criteria.

The criteria was to have an average of D, and mine was between D and E.
I should be happy with this result already.
Especially when Qihua pointed out a few says before,
 that I was someone who "truly enjoyed life and is very lucky".

"I only do stuffs which makes me happy and generally avoided those that made me unhappy or I disliked.
I didn't study much cause I don't like to, but still managed to somehow get decent grades.
And, I do not have a goal in life.
Or maybe I do, but it seemed too simplistic and naive to him."

I was kinda upset and frustrated this time though,
as I did not know which subject I should drop:
Physics, Chemistry or Economics.

It's really tough having to decide, and honestly, 
I only wanted to do well so that I would not have to choose which subject to choose.
And when I knew that I have to drop a subject, 
I was seriously considering to drop out of school instead.

Personally, I see no use in JC education, 
especially since we would only use maybe  5-10% of the things we learned.
I don't get how it prepares us for university, and for life.
But as Qihua put it:
"It is a way for them to test your intelligence" 
And I agree.

I just cannot accept and agree with it personally.
I mean like, why not test us with regards to what we ACTUALLY want to study.
Because most of the time, only 1 or maybe 2 subjects is related to what we want to study/work in the future.

When I'm given a subject which I have no interest in to study, I will not give it my all, I will not put in my best effort as I see no point in it.
That is why even if I was given a chance to turn back time again, 
I'm sure my grades would be around the same.

I will study, because I need to pass and promote, because I need to do well in a levels and get into university.
But I know that I have not done my best cause I don't have passion for what I'm doing.
If I love what I'm studying, I would do my very best just because I love doing it.
And that's when I achieve good results.
It doesn't work the other way round.

Some of you may feel that I should have opted for poly instead, just like what my mum said.
But I know that it will be much harder to get into a university if I studied at poly.
Yup I know, nothing satisfies me.

So now, I still have to make a choice,
Physics, Chemistry or Economics?

I guess I will be going with economics, considering our school's a level results last year.
I would love to drop physics really, I don't like Mr Lim and I don't want him to teach me for another year.
And this feeling is increasing every day.
And he's going to say I talk behind his back if he sees this.
So the next time he asks if we like him to be our teacher next year, 
I would really raise up my hand and say no.
I have given him enough respect he deserves.
Shall elaborate next time.

Now me and Andris don't know who to turn to to ask for advice.
Both our CT's are away on leave.
I don't want to speak to Mr Lim, nor Mr Low who only cares bout his bright sparks I guess.
He has his own CT anyway.
I don't think Ms Emily likes us, and Mrs Tan is nice, but I think she abit bo chap?
Hahah. Our class kinda pathetic :(

Just my two cents.
Or alot of cents.

Tomorrow's going to be a better day (:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm back (:

Soooo.... I suddenly have the urge to start blogging again, and I've decided to continue with my old blog.
That means that all my previous posts from like 4years ago are all here!
Some of the things I used to post and the way I used to type is really ridiculous. Haha.
So please do not judge me!

Anyway, it's like 3am now, and supposedly there is school tomorrow.
Some modular training thingy from 730 to 1700! Wtfxz.
So, I am not going.

I must be really getting used to life after examinations now.
No school, no stress.
I love sleeping late and waking up late.
I love just sitting and lying on the sofa the whole day; 
just using my laptop and watching Bones, CSI, and all those cooking shows.

Yes, I am lazy.
And how I wish my life could stay like this forever.

Ending off with some pictures (;