Saturday, May 21, 2016

Shadow Box Layout + Cheaper Alternatives

Hiya all! (: Singapore's weather is really humid nowadays. I had just asked mum to cut my hair this morning but I'm thinking to go shorter since even QH thinks there's no difference 😂 

I was planning to bake some blueberry muffins and probably something chocolate-y but found out we had just ran out of plain flour and caster sugar. So I'm currently sitting on the sofa in the living room typing out this post while waiting for my mum to return home with the ingredients I need. And in a short span of 10 minutes I've already had two mosquito bites. Like seriously 😒

I've done a shadow box layout some time ago to place at the top landing of my room stairs but decided to do some touchups on it and also photograph it. Since I have some time now, I finally decided to get down to it and edit the photographs and pen down this post.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Summer Holidays as a Sophomore

Should it be as a sophomore or a junior? I'm not entirely sure too. Technically I've completed my 2nd year aka 4th semester. But it is still the summer holidays. Well, whatever.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Update + Card and Gift Tutorials and Ideas!

Mother's Day celebration is usually a yearly affair with my family and we celebrated with mum's side of the family over a barbecue this year as well.

Many things have happened over the past year, and I feel like I've grown and matured a lot. So much so that I know I've not been that good a daughter to my mum and my godmother. It's especially hard when I am not one to be super affectionate or good with expressing my feelings.