Friday, August 1, 2014

Growing up, or not.

So, today was the first day of BOSS bidding for freshmen.
That was supposed to be the most eventful event (what..? this phrase sounds weird) already.
But nope, I was wrong.

So after bidding I bathed and went out to run some errands.
Bought a green tea frappe to sip on while walking back since it was so damn sunny and hot.
Yup, if you're reading my post recent enough (what's wrong with my phrasing today?!) you can see my insta post on the green tea frappe.
At that point of time, my most impt concern was the price of the frappe, the sun causing me to sweat and the damn traffic light taking too long to turn green.

I went to the clubhouse to report the loss of 2 of our unit's access card for the side gate and to apply for new ones.
They took a long time to check and I already suspected something was wrong because:
The 2 remaining cards in our possession have serial no.s which are too far apart.
Everything after that was like ... sucky. Really sucky.
Upon leaving the club house I was upset, frustrated, on the brink of crying and instead of 4 access cards, had only 1.

So what happened was:
  1. The indian receptionist was visibly annoyed when I told her the cards were lost 1 month ago (oh btw, I lied. lol. I think my brother's card was lost like half a year ago. & I lied cos I could tell she was getting annoyed)
  1. After checking, she asked me (very accusingly) why I had possession of 1 of the access cards which belonged to another unit (dafuq it makes me mad to recall it now cause from her tone she sounds like she suspected I stole it!! wtf.)
  1. I told her I'm not sure cause the card belonged to my bro and he could have accidentally swapped it with his many friends living in the same condo as us
  1. At this point of time another chinese gal working in the office came to take a look at our file and said they have to confiscate the card cause it doesn't belong to us so we can't use it (reasonable, at this point of time)
  1. Some more chinese gal said my name, photo, particulars whatever are not in our unit's file (wait..what?! her tone.. her tone!!! ugh. is she accusing me of impersonating a resident now on top of stealing an access card?!)
  1. Then !! When I tried to hand in the form indian receptionist passed me to report loss of cards and to apply for new ones, chinese gal said I can't, cause I'm not registered as a tenant (fk you)
  1. Finally they passed me a piece of paper with the serial no. of the card which didn't belong to us to 'check' if my bro friend took our card (wait, so you want me to ask my bro to ask his friend to ask their family members if their access cards have serial no. similar to the one you wrote me?? it's so troublesome!! can't you just tell me which unit it belongs to and we can go ask them?)
  1. Lastly as if taking me for a kid, chinese gal asked me to go home and check this box you get when you get the keys for the condo that there isn't any cards inside because if there isn't it means we had lost 3 access cards ley! (yes she said 'key' and she said it in a tone that implies losing 3 cards is a lot when wtf 1 of the card is really ours but jus swapped!! ugh)

On the short walk home I called mum, telling her about how I couldn't apply for more access cards and even had 1 of them taken away from me.
Reached home and minutes later dad was home too.
I told him what happened and I think he could sense the quiver in my voice and how upset I was.
Surprisingly (or not) dad offered (or rather authoritatively announced) that he was going to accompany me back to apply for the cards.

Back in the club house, I could tell dad was angry, his tone different.
It was so awkward for me.. 
At that point I realised what a child I was.
19 years old of age and still so easily shaken and upset, still needing my dad to stand up for me.
During dad's talk with chinese gal (I assume she's the most senior there), I saw indian receptionist say smth to another girl working in the office... 
I was quite sure it was smth bout us but oh well, who knows!

oh btw, the said card which they assumed me or my bro or my family "stole/found" DID indeed belong to my bro's friend (yeah fk you stupid ppl in the clubhouse). 
Btw the way they replied my dad when my he explained that most probably my bro and his friend's card got swapped was.. skeptical. 
They sounded like they didn't believe us and we just made up some stupid story to justify us in the possession of an access card which belonged to another unit.
AND, they didn't return us that card ._.
Cause according to them it didn't belong to us and we can only get it if we show them that my bro friend has our card instead.
BUT. That isn't possible. Why?
Cause chinese gal told us before the unit which should have that card has reported all their access cards missing.
So in that cause we theoretically had 1 card taken from us. 1 card costs $30 to replace btw.

Oh and there's a very contradicting part according to what they told us:
all access cards reported missing will be deactivated immediately and they cannot be used.
Now, would you all refer to the paragraph above where chinese gal said that that unit has reported all their access cards missing? (if you can't find it, I have ever so kindly highlighted it in a very pretty shade of maroon. you're welcome)
So if that was the case, the card which my bro has been using all along, which originally belonged to that unit should have been deactivated (the office has records of the serial no. of cards each unit has) ;
but he has been using that card for god knows how long without any difficulties lard..

Hmmm... are you confused now? Hahahah.
Gosh. Typing really makes me feel better.
So much better.

Sigh, university is going to start soon.
Hope I can cope well.
Hope I can grow stronger emotionally and not be affected or shaken by others this easily.
All these times I tot I grew, and grow I did; in age & in weight.
But not mentally or emotionally.

PS// I was in no way trying to be racist when I used words like chinese gal or indian receptionist. I mean, it was much better than calling them ugly, snobbish, bullies or unprofessional right?
PSS// I just realised there was a chinese, indian and malay working in the office. Coincident much? Lol. Or some weird govt. policy for racial harmony? Hmm....

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