Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Recess week is a lie

Cute kitten to start off the post, meoowwwww~

So where was I?
Oh yea.
Recess week.

It's a joke.
Recess week is a lie.
It's not a recess at all lol.
I even go back to school on more days than normal school week.

Fine, I admit my normal school week is only 3 days.
But seriously, I don't even go back to school on weekends;
And now I have to during recess week?

Ugh. This is so annoying!!

One thing I hate the most - hypocritical people.
The organisation I hate the most?
Probably the Singapore's education system and all the damn schools; public, private or what not.

I mean, why the f would you name a recess week recess week if it wasn't a recess.
Similarly in pri/sec and jc.
Why the heck would you call it June holidays or March holidays when it isn't a holiday ?!

Wtf is wrong with these people !!
1. Their english sucks and their concept of holiday/recess is TOTALLY off
2. There isn't any communication between the different departments i.e. the department that decides when we have holiday vs the chers/profs vs exam committee

I wouldn't be so mad if they had not called it a holiday or a recess week and made us go back to school.
But because they called it a freaking holiday/recess week I damn well deserve my break.

And the most annoying of all would be setting all the datelines or project presentation dates immediately after holiday/recess ends.
Like wtf, just cause you never ask us to return back to school doesn't make you innocent.
Your datelines and stuff forces us to return back to school. Ugh.

Here comes the best part:
Not many seems to mind that we are back in school during recess week.
At least in smu, that is.
So many people studying in school, omg.
K maybe they were forced too but...

Finally, project groups.
I hate it when groups wana meet up unnecessarily.
Wtf I live in woodlands ok?!
According to wq foreign friend woodlands is in the outskirts of Singapore ok?
You know how fucking long I take to reach school?
Sometimes the to and fro trip is longer than the meeting itself wtf.

And where I live doesn't even matter anyway.
Why so many different meetups?
Why cannot just meet and finish everything in 1 or 2 days?
So damn annoying omg.

Everytime people ask to meetup for projects/presentations I'm like:

But deep inside ima be like:

Okay, if any of my groups members are reading this, please don't take it to heart.
I mean it's not like I could say in your face that I don't want to come to school for project cause I live too far away, am too lazy to come to school, rather do the project from home while still able to wake up at like 2pm.

Yeah, recess week is here.
It's tuesday.
Time to "relax" hahah.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Growing up, or not.

So, today was the first day of BOSS bidding for freshmen.
That was supposed to be the most eventful event (what..? this phrase sounds weird) already.
But nope, I was wrong.

So after bidding I bathed and went out to run some errands.
Bought a green tea frappe to sip on while walking back since it was so damn sunny and hot.
Yup, if you're reading my post recent enough (what's wrong with my phrasing today?!) you can see my insta post on the green tea frappe.
At that point of time, my most impt concern was the price of the frappe, the sun causing me to sweat and the damn traffic light taking too long to turn green.

I went to the clubhouse to report the loss of 2 of our unit's access card for the side gate and to apply for new ones.
They took a long time to check and I already suspected something was wrong because:
The 2 remaining cards in our possession have serial no.s which are too far apart.
Everything after that was like ... sucky. Really sucky.
Upon leaving the club house I was upset, frustrated, on the brink of crying and instead of 4 access cards, had only 1.

So what happened was:
  1. The indian receptionist was visibly annoyed when I told her the cards were lost 1 month ago (oh btw, I lied. lol. I think my brother's card was lost like half a year ago. & I lied cos I could tell she was getting annoyed)
  1. After checking, she asked me (very accusingly) why I had possession of 1 of the access cards which belonged to another unit (dafuq it makes me mad to recall it now cause from her tone she sounds like she suspected I stole it!! wtf.)
  1. I told her I'm not sure cause the card belonged to my bro and he could have accidentally swapped it with his many friends living in the same condo as us
  1. At this point of time another chinese gal working in the office came to take a look at our file and said they have to confiscate the card cause it doesn't belong to us so we can't use it (reasonable, at this point of time)
  1. Some more chinese gal said my name, photo, particulars whatever are not in our unit's file (wait..what?! her tone.. her tone!!! ugh. is she accusing me of impersonating a resident now on top of stealing an access card?!)
  1. Then !! When I tried to hand in the form indian receptionist passed me to report loss of cards and to apply for new ones, chinese gal said I can't, cause I'm not registered as a tenant (fk you)
  1. Finally they passed me a piece of paper with the serial no. of the card which didn't belong to us to 'check' if my bro friend took our card (wait, so you want me to ask my bro to ask his friend to ask their family members if their access cards have serial no. similar to the one you wrote me?? it's so troublesome!! can't you just tell me which unit it belongs to and we can go ask them?)
  1. Lastly as if taking me for a kid, chinese gal asked me to go home and check this box you get when you get the keys for the condo that there isn't any cards inside because if there isn't it means we had lost 3 access cards ley! (yes she said 'key' and she said it in a tone that implies losing 3 cards is a lot when wtf 1 of the card is really ours but jus swapped!! ugh)

On the short walk home I called mum, telling her about how I couldn't apply for more access cards and even had 1 of them taken away from me.
Reached home and minutes later dad was home too.
I told him what happened and I think he could sense the quiver in my voice and how upset I was.
Surprisingly (or not) dad offered (or rather authoritatively announced) that he was going to accompany me back to apply for the cards.

Back in the club house, I could tell dad was angry, his tone different.
It was so awkward for me.. 
At that point I realised what a child I was.
19 years old of age and still so easily shaken and upset, still needing my dad to stand up for me.
During dad's talk with chinese gal (I assume she's the most senior there), I saw indian receptionist say smth to another girl working in the office... 
I was quite sure it was smth bout us but oh well, who knows!

oh btw, the said card which they assumed me or my bro or my family "stole/found" DID indeed belong to my bro's friend (yeah fk you stupid ppl in the clubhouse). 
Btw the way they replied my dad when my he explained that most probably my bro and his friend's card got swapped was.. skeptical. 
They sounded like they didn't believe us and we just made up some stupid story to justify us in the possession of an access card which belonged to another unit.
AND, they didn't return us that card ._.
Cause according to them it didn't belong to us and we can only get it if we show them that my bro friend has our card instead.
BUT. That isn't possible. Why?
Cause chinese gal told us before the unit which should have that card has reported all their access cards missing.
So in that cause we theoretically had 1 card taken from us. 1 card costs $30 to replace btw.

Oh and there's a very contradicting part according to what they told us:
all access cards reported missing will be deactivated immediately and they cannot be used.
Now, would you all refer to the paragraph above where chinese gal said that that unit has reported all their access cards missing? (if you can't find it, I have ever so kindly highlighted it in a very pretty shade of maroon. you're welcome)
So if that was the case, the card which my bro has been using all along, which originally belonged to that unit should have been deactivated (the office has records of the serial no. of cards each unit has) ;
but he has been using that card for god knows how long without any difficulties lard..

Hmmm... are you confused now? Hahahah.
Gosh. Typing really makes me feel better.
So much better.

Sigh, university is going to start soon.
Hope I can cope well.
Hope I can grow stronger emotionally and not be affected or shaken by others this easily.
All these times I tot I grew, and grow I did; in age & in weight.
But not mentally or emotionally.

PS// I was in no way trying to be racist when I used words like chinese gal or indian receptionist. I mean, it was much better than calling them ugly, snobbish, bullies or unprofessional right?
PSS// I just realised there was a chinese, indian and malay working in the office. Coincident much? Lol. Or some weird govt. policy for racial harmony? Hmm....

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shitty stuff I hate

The worst shit always happens to me I swear.
By that I don't mean results  or studies or what not.
I mean like those awkward situations which I really can't handle.

Like for example dropping my coins in a toilet cubicle.
Like seriously?! So do I put my hand under to the next cubicle to pick up my coins or not.
And this happened like not once but I think thrice to me already?!
Fuck I even dropped my wallet in those squatting toilet once.
And it was when I went to Chengdu for an exchange trip in P5.
And yes I picked up my wallet cause all my money was in it.

Other shitty stuff happens too. Like really downright fucked up shit.
Like just the other day this fucking bird shit on my hand.
Like wtf I didn't even know when it happened ?!
I was walking to the bus stop UNDER SHELTER,
 and the next thing I know I saw this suspicious black matter on my hand.
I wiped it off with my last remaining piece of tissue.
And god knows what came over me but I smelled my hand...
And the thing was there was an accident near the bus stop and there was like,
a group of police officers and those people involved standing RIGHT NEXT TO THE DUSTBIN.
Yes I held on to the tissue 😩
And the story doesn't end there.

In my hurry to get to the mrt station so that I can wash my hands,
I boarded the wrong  bus  (which btw didn't have those bins near the doors for me to throw the tissue)
God knows where it took me but I alighted quickly.
Had to wait like 10+mins for another bus to take me to the mrt 😭
Must have washed my hands like dozens of times after but I still did not dare to put my hands near any part of my body for the rest of the day.

And well, the shit-est thing happened to me today.
The bane of my life – insects.
And in decreasing order of scariness and hatred towards them,
I oresent to you;
cockroaches, lizards, beetles, any other flying insects, mosquitos, worms/millipedes/caterpillars/etc, every other insects.
As you may or may not know, I live on the first floor, in a condo surrounded by trees and grass and what not, insects favorite habitat. Ugh.
To add icing to the cake, my room is beside the damn rubbish chute.

So what happens is insects especially cockroaches ALWAYS comes into my room.
My room has 2 levels and I always instruct everyone in my family that the  windows on the top level MUSY NEVER EVER be open since I sleep on the too level.
But they always don't listen and ugh.

Anyway, today it was a lizard. A huge one. 
Normally when I scream for my mum she'll scold me and stuff.
So today I calmly went to find her and inform her of that damn intruder.
Even she admits that it's a huge lizard. 
Fuck it's huge and has stripes on it's tail omg I can't even. Argh!!!
So anyway I don't dare to chase it out and mum says to jus let it go out naturally.
Like seriously?! When's that going to be? How long will it take man.
And the thing is that means I can't turn on my aircon and the open windows may attract for insects to come in.
Ong. I fucking hate this. Fml.

So anyway I'm writing this post now cause I'm sitting on my bed,
Hugging my pillows and soft toys away from the lizard, hoping it'll exit through the window soon.
Bad news is it hasn't moved for like and an hour or so alrd...
Fuck you. Fuck you damn van der waals forces for allowing lizards to climb walls.
I hate this. 
Please go out soon.
I'm tired and I want to sleep.

I'm sorry for the lengthy picture less post at 4am  in the morning.
It's not like I could bear to even search for and look at pictures of insects,
let alone posting them on my blog.
And I really had to rant about this since it always happens.
Ugh. K. Bye for now.
Will do a proper update bout my life soon.
