Wednesday, July 15, 2015


It's hard to believe I turned 20 two weeks ago.
Technically I've already lived a quarter of my life and this scares me.

I guess it is because there are still so much things I want to do,
but I know that I won't have much time left.
Not in the I'm-dying-soon sense though hahaha.
More of like I'm going graduate in 3 years and have to start working TT
Which means there's a lot of things I can't do.
Less time less freedom, more stress more responsibilities.

Let's take a look at a list of stuff I want to do but have not done due to various reasons lol:

1. Bungee jump
Okay so people who knows me know I like thrilling and exciting rides.
Heck I probably will go into extreme sports lol.
But people are afraid for my safety, blah blah blah.
And even qh don't want me to bungee jump idk why.

2. Get a nose piercing
Okay so this is something that I want for a long time, I just didn't tell anyone about it.
I just want a nostril piercing, nothing too extreme like septum.
But I think many people will object to it.
For example my parents and qh and maybe even xy lol.
I would imagine fatin will agree to this hahah.
But I'm worried about internship cause apparently nose piercings closes really fast.
So its not like I can just take out the stud or smth.
And what if it closes and have scar?? My nose is on my face ley. It'll be so obvious.
And the pain. I'm scared of needles TT

3. Get a tattoo (or maybe more than one)
Okay so I like those small subtle tattoos, which explains why I say maybe more than one.
I think they're cute! Not meh. 
Okay, they are cute. 
Getting a tattoo is like a lifelong thing though, so obviously I have to think about what I want to ink.
And ya, my parents will kill me if they find out.
Oh! And I think it would be weird when I walk into the tattoo parlor looking like a 16 yo. 

4. Go somewhere with baby and just have fun and not have to think about anything
So qh and me usually go to the same places for dates.
Eat at the same restaurants.
And its not that I'm complaining since I like it and hate changes anyway.
But I wana go somewhere fun!
Going overseas for a vacation would be great.
But it's so expensive and my parents will probably object to the both of us traveling alone.
Maybe we can go like USS since we've never been there tgt!
Or like wild wild wet maybe. I saw that they have some freaking cool new rides omg.
Like legit serious exciting tall water slides.

5. Finally start my online fashion store
This is like a long time wish already hahah.
I even bought all the supplies for making jewelry,
came up with the name, designed the logo and made stamps and everything.
Somehow I just couldn't take the last step, idkw.

6. Maybe start another home decor online store
Okay so this is a new thingy. 
Like I always see a lot of cool and interesting home decor.
Or I have ideas for making decor etc.
But ya I only have 1 room to decorate and its not very big anyway hahahha.

7. Really get into scrapbooking
Many people know I'm into crafting and scrapbooking etc.
But that phase just kinda passed a year or so ago.
And I really want to get into it and commit to it again.
It's fun and destressing.
It just takes a lot of time tho..

8. Cut my hair short, not too short, like just past shoulder length
Okay so obviously I've not done this yet since it took really long for me to grow out my hair.
And apparently when I cut my hair short in secondary school it wasn't nice but no one told me?!
And qh doesn't like me with short hair.
But like the shoulder hair length is quite popular nowadays!
I think I can't pull it off though since my hair is so thin and straight. Ugh.

Okay, I will post more next time! On what happened on my birthday hehhe.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Was browsing through google and tumblr for inspiration for my personal creative project.
Yes I'm going to do something artsy.

So... it's going to be something to do with the galaxy and stars and the space.
I mean, they look so magical!!

Personally the milky way is the most amazing and cool one.
And I alrd have a concept for that alrd.
But I wana do more like other space stuff?

Planets are too dull tho lol. 
I mean look at Mars or Jupiter.
The colours are just... meh

Check out the link for a 360° view of the milky way. 
Really cool!

Was looking through NASA's instagram too.
Exploded stars and black holes seems to be really cool subjects too!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Hey ☹

I can't believe my last post was actually on recess week 1 semester ago.

不知不觉, it's been a week after recess week this semester already.
In 4 more weeks I'd have completed year 1.
How time flies.

Recently I've been thinking of the point of continuing my studies.
If I include this semester I'd have completed 10 modules already.
I've seriously learnt nothing much tho.
The most relevant and useful mods to me are pwr and mc I guess.

So, what's the point of spending 10k a year,
40k for my whole uni studies just to get a degree?
I really see no point.
Feels like a waste of money to me.

It doesn't matter if its a small sum.
I'd just go along with it.
But its not... Haha.

Sometimes I feel so lost.
I don't know what I'm doing at times.
Don't know what I'm doing all these for.
Don't know what I'm studying for.
Don't know why I'm still staying in school when I hate it;
When I know I'm not going to give my 100%.

But its also true that I won't know what to do if I'm not studying.

I only wish the choice would be simpler and much more clearer.
If the choice wouldn't have much consequences.
If it doesn't matter even if I chose to continue studying when I'm not giving my all.

Sometimes I wonder what is the point of anything.
Why are we alive?
What are we meant to do?